Category: Trading

Buying on Margin and the Risks Involved

Buying on margin is the use of borrowed money to purchase securities. When you buy on margin, you only need to put down a fraction of the total purchase price.

Magnet Dark Pool Prints

During the recent emergence of increased volatility in the stock market, our software has detected numerous dark pool prints that share a common discrepancy. This deviation has proven itself to be a viable edge for traders.

Payment For Order Flow

“Payment for order flow” is a term that has been frequently used over the past year. In this article we will explain what it means,

Implied Volatility Crush

There are several concepts that are very important to understand when trading options. These include bid-ask spreads, the greeks, and Implied Volatility (IV). This article

Understanding Unusual Options Activity

Unusual Options Activity involves option contracts being traded at a much higher volume than their daily average. Large volume on option contracts can indicate that someone is making a bet based on transparent or non-transparent catalysts.

Understanding Dark Pool Prints

Dark pool print orders can only be found on private exchanges and are only accessible to institutions that cannot be accessed by the general public

From $1K to $5K in 2 weeks

I wanted to share how Cheddar Flow helped me 5X my portfolio in a little more than 2 weeks by playing earnings.

chasing V bottom

Chasing the V Bottoms

2020 has been off to a rough start as equity markets caught their own form of Corona Virus with SPY plunging from highs at $338 down to $217 at the lowest in futures trading

Ascending Triangle Pattern

The ascending triangle pattern is typically a bullish formation that represents a great deal of information with a decent strike rate for a breakout.

Support and Resistance

There are many ways to make use of these lines but the most powerful type as agreed upon throughout all markets is support and resistance levels.

Channel Pattern

We wanted to start off our new series by talking about how you can combine options order flow with a channel pattern. This pattern is one of the easiest techniques

Earnings Flow

Earnings season is always exciting for the trading world. The results of this time of year often dictate the future price movements of stocks for weeks or months to come.

Buying blood with Cheddar Flow

Buying blood in the trading world is a common tactic where bulls try to catch knives of falling assets hoping to find a bottom for a reversal.

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